Sentinel Water Services specializes in mining water supply and distribution systems’ optimization. The company’s mining focus experience and expertise supports the following key services:
- Pump station design, associated with reservoirs or floating or in-line boosting, be it potable water, service water or slurry.
- Pipeline design, bulk water schemes, plant reticulation, slurry transfer or return water systems, including steady state modeling and surge analyses, and design of control mechanisms related to the alleviation of transient pressures.
- Irrigation systems for the management of embankments and dust suppression.
- Plant surface water drainage, dirty water and clean water systems.
- Residential and plant municipal type services of water, sewerage and stormwater, including network analysis.
- Surface water stream diversion with associated attenuation dams and in-stream flow measuring flumes.
- Calibration of existing systems through hydraulic modeling and on-site pressure and flow monitoring and data logging.
- Water audits.
- Structural design of process plants – Ball mills, Screening plants, CIL, CIP, Elution, etc.
The experience gained has been directly or in association with consultants on specific projects for the following typical clients:
- Rustenburg Platinum Mines: UG1 Bulk water supply pipelines, Site storage reservoirs; Surface water infrastructure; Sewage pumping stations; Slurry transfer systems options evaluation; Return water transfer systems; Klipgat treated effluent reclamation transfer scheme.
- Lebowa Platinum Mines: Potable water audit and metering of main potable consumers; Slurry expansion upgrades pump stations and transfer pipelines; Detail design of water services of plant expansion; Tailings dam embankment irrigation;
- Slurry expansion upgrades pump stations and transfer pipelines; Detail design of water services of plant expansion; Tailings dam embankment irrigation;
- Impala Platinum Mines: Return water transfer pumping stations and pipelines; Slurry booster station optimisation of future production options. Hostel water consumption monitoring and pressure management evaluation.
- Potgietersrus Platinum Limited: Bulk water storage dam; Plant service water pumping station. Treated effluent bulk water supply pumping scheme. Bulk services rerouting round pit; Residential township services.
- Botswana Copper Limited: Bulk water infrastructure flow metering installation.
- Lebalelo Bulk Water Supply Scheme design and implementation
- Lonmin (WPL) Slurry transfer pipeline refurbishment.